About Us
Principal Project Supervisor
Prof. TSUI Kwok Tung
Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I)
Co-Principal Project Supervisor
Dr. Darren BRYANT
Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL)
Adjunct Chair Prof. Allan WALKER
Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL)
Principal CHAN Wing Kwong, Daniel
Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundation College
Dr. LU Jiafang
Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL)
Dr. LEE Tai Hoi Theodore
Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL)
Dr. CHAN Tsan Ming Kenneth
Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL)
Dr. TANG Hei Hang Hayes
Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL)
Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL)
Dr. YUEN Wai Kwan Gail
Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL)
Prof. LIM Cher Ping
Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I)
Dr. NG Tsui San, Teresa
Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I)
Dr. FONG Wai Tsz Ricci
Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I)
Dr. YUN Pui Ho Patrick
Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I)
Mr. HUI Yan Keung John
Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)
Project Staff
Ms. WANG Min Xuan, Amy
Research Assistant
Faculty of Education and Human Development (FEHD)
Ms. YING Lung Yi, Vanessa
Research Assistant
Faculty of Education and Human Development (FEHD)